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The importance of data storage

Knowledge is power!

Because data is growing at an exponential rate, the importance of data storage and backups cannot be overstated!

The importance of data storage

Continue reading as knowing is truly key, to making more informed decisions

The importance of data storage cannot be overestimated

Every year, data is growing at an exponential rate.

Data is growing exponentially

Nowadays, everyone is generating data at a rate never seen before AND, it's only going to increase! That is why data is growing exponentially!

That's why businesses, governments, organization and institutions are looking for betters ways to handle and manage the mountains of information they have.

Cloud storage services definitely help as they enables you to pay only for what you need and you can easily add resources when needed. In other words, pay as you go.

Cloud storage means data is stored at someone else’s hosting facilities and is accessed remotely.

Is local storage in danger of disappearing?

Far from it! As a matter of fact, local data storage complements cloud storage services.

A local storage infrastructure combined with cloud storage gives you the best of both worlds.

You get the performance associated with on-site infrastructures, plus the access and security associated with cloud storage services.

Why is storage important?

Reasons why data storage is important

The reasons why data storage is important are simple and obvious!!

Whereas servers are very important for your data processing needs, storage is by far even more critical to your business!


  • Loose your server it’s bad

  • Loose your storage, it’s extremely bad

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Your data lives on your data storage systems!

If your storage systems are not adequate and you do not have good backups, when equipment breakdown occurs, you are at risks of losing everything!

Losing your storage means you have lost your data.

Data storage losses

Losing your storage is a situation that should be avoided as much as possible because, put simply, the consequences associated with losing your storage can result in:


  • Loss of data

  • Loss of productivity

  • Lost revenues!
Because data is growing at an exponential rate, the importance of data storage and backups cannot be overstated!

Be careful when choosing!

The bottom line is, whatever the cost, you can't skimp on your storage systems, just to save a few bucks!

Just ask yourself, "How much is my business worth?" and make your decision based on the answer.

It is with this approach in mind that Data Telcom makes it a point to deliver high-performance, scalable and highly reliable storage systems, from the industry's leading vendors.

Servers are important but, when it comes to your data, storage systems are absolutely critical!

Storage systems are essential!

Storage systems are essential to your business' continued success!

Storage is where your data lives. Loose your storage and, as previously indicated, you can find yourself in an extremely bad situation!

This is why storage systems are critical to any and all businesses!

Pitfalls and perils associate with storage faillures

Rest easy knowing that we provide fast and efficient customer service.

As mentioned before, data losses are something to be avoided at all times, as they can lead to serious consequences!

Take note and be advised!

At the risk of repeating ourselves, whereas servers are at the heart of your network and perform all the data processing, STORAGE is even more critical to a business’ survival!

  • Loss of storage = Lost data!

Data losses is something to be avoided at all times, as it can lead to serious consequences!

The painful reality associated with data losses

Storage failures resulting in data loss, can have very serious and negative impacts on businesses and others.

Depending on the circumstances at hand and the area of your network where the storage failed, it may not be that bad. HOWEVER, in certain instances, if you haven’t done a threat and risk assessment (TRA) and put policies and procedures in place, starting with having a good backup solution and the means to quickly replace the defective storage, loss of data can result in:

  • Loss of PRODUCTIVITY due to COUNTLESS hours of manpower spent inputting everything back onto the new system!
  • Loss of productivity = Lost REVENUES!

Again depending on the circumstances at hand:

  • Lost data = Losing your reputation in the marketplace and with your customers!
  • Loss of reputation = Lost REVENUES (again)!

In the absolute worst of cases:

  • Lost data = Having to CLOSE your doors PERMANENTLY!
Every year, data is growing at an exponential rate.

Local data storage is more important than ever

Local data storage complements cloud storage

Every single year, there's a veritable explosion of data and, it's not about to stop anytime soon. Because of that, any and all businesses who want to grow and succeed, need to have a good storage and backup strategy in place.

Local data storage is more important than some realize

With Internet of Things (IoT) devices continually generating vasts amounts of data along with new software, databases, data analytic tools and applications coming to market daily, the need for local data storage is more important than ever. Why? 

Cloud storage services are great but, you have to contend with the fact that you’re introducing latency in your company’s operations as well as other risks!

Is this latency acceptable to you or not? If not, you definitely need local data storage because it gives you:

Performance and efficiency

Cloud storage means data is stored at someone else’s hosting facilities and is accessed remotely.
Local data storage complements cloud storage services. It offers unparalleled performance and ease of access!

Local data storage provides you with speed and efficiency cloud storage can not really compete with.

Not unless you spend enormous amounts of money to have fiber data links put in place to connect you directly to your provider’s data center. Something that, cost wise, is out of reach for most small and medium size businesses. Otherwise, you’re connected to your cloud service provider via the internet and, no matter how fast your link is, that internet connection introduces latency in your data processing.

Latency slows things down! For some business that’s acceptable, for others, exemple essential services (think of a hospital), that simply can not work!


Over 90% of businesses using cloud storage services are connected to the cloud via the Internet over a SINGLE connection. Meaning you have a single point of faillure!

Accidents and unforeseen circumstances beyond anyone’s control happen. If you loose your Internet connection, what do you do? You and your employees (whose salary you must still pay) just wait patiently for it to come back?!

Having local storage means that even if your Internet link goes down or something catastrophic happens at your cloud storage provider’s facility, you’re not affected by it! It’s business as usual for you.

Local data storage still plays an important role.
Local data storage complements cloud storage services. It offers unparalleled performance, ease of access and can enhanced your data's overall security!

In conclusion

Cloud storage services are here to stay and they definitely offer some undeniable advantages and yes, they can most definitely help reduce capital expenditure costs and enable you to safely store your data off-site.

BUT, they are not, nor will they be, able to completely replace the need and necessity for local storage systems. Not in the foreseeable future anyway.

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